The offer includes:

• 10 best photographs, selected by the client from 20-30, subjected to full graphic editing.
• The client will receive the photos in electronic format at the provided email address.

Additional options:

• Possible additional shot 
• Printing of photographs – an individual quote tailored to the needs.
• Photo book – an individual quote tailored to the needs.

For Whom:

People looking to discover their creativity: Even if you’re not an artist, artistic sessions allow you to uncover your own abilities and hidden talents. It’s a great opportunity to experiment and express yourself in a new, creative way.
Models: Artistic sessions often make use of models, both professional and amateur. It’s a chance for them to become part of the creative process and express themselves in front of the camera.
Art therapy: Artistic sessions can also serve as a form of art therapy. They help express and work through emotions and gain a better understanding of oneself.
For anyone seeking a new experience: Artistic sessions are also a unique and inspiring adventure to try. There are no age or skill restrictions. It’s an opportunity to create unforgettable moments and memories.


Up to a maximum of 10 working days.

Yes, but it’s necessary to discuss and finalize the details beforehand.

You can bring more than one outfit for the session and change as time allows. The session will last a maximum of 2 hours. It’s a good idea if your hair and makeup are professionally prepared and tailored to the session’s style.

You can suggest a location yourself or rely on my suggestions. Together, we will surely find the right place.